Sustainable Living: 10 Easy Ways to Green Your Home

sustainable life

Sustainable Living: 10 Easy Ways to Green Your Home

Sustainable Living: 10 Easy Ways to Green Your Home

Day-to-day choices become more imperative today than ever in view of climate change and environmental degradation. This impact can be as easy as our actions, right from our homes, becoming the fate of our planet.

Therefore, live sustainably and encourage less and less environment degradation so that a much healthier and greener world is left behind for the generations to come.

The good news? You don’t need to turn your life upside down overnight. Plenty of small, doable changes at home really do add up. Let’s look at what’s in it for you: why green living matters and ten painless ways to green your home.

Why Green Living Matters

Indeed, one of the greatest contributors to environmental problems across the world seems to be our houses. Indeed, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reported that residential energy use represents about 20 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

For this reason, perhaps, the average U.S. citizen produces 4.9 pounds of trash per person per day.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make,” says Dr. Jane Goodall, the greatest environmentalist who ever lived.

All of us can be able to make a difference on the planet with the use of green homes.

While such are the environmental implications, cost-saving and healthier lifestyle implications of sustainable living are equally many.

Energy-efficient appliances will save on utility bills while organic food and locally sourced out produce will provide better health and aid to the local economy.

10 Easy Ways to Greener Home

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The three R’s of living sustainably are: reduce, reuse, and recycle. As far as possible reduce your requirements; the next step would be reuse, and lastly, recycle all those things that cannot be reused. Clean up your house and donate all useful things, carry reusable shopping bags and water bottles along with you, and have a complete cycling system for home recycling.

2. Be Energy Efficient

Small life changes will help you save electricity: Replace the regular incandescent bulb with an efficient LED that is up to 75 percent more efficient. Always switch off or unplug your electronic devices when no one uses them to avoid the energy-sucking “phantom” syndrome. Consider fitting a programmable thermostat that helps conserve heating and cooling of the house.

3. Save Water

Quick fix: Leaking taps: one dripping tap can let up to 20,000 liters go to waste in one year. Fitting low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. Collecting rainwater for the garden. Running only full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine.

4. Environmentally Friendly Food Choices

Use locally available, seasonal, and organic food to the full. This reduces not only emissions associated with transport but also provides the needed boost to the local farmers. So get started on that mini herb garden in your kitchen right now. Design meal plans to reduce foods wasted, compost these scraps, and learn to preserve foods.

5. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Most cleaning products do include a great deal of chemicals that can be harmful. Use vinegar and baking soda cleaning products with a few essential oils. When purchase of products is necessary, look for environmentally-friendly certifications like EPA Safer Choice or Green Seal.

6. Indoor Plants

They beautify your space indoors, and some of them help to clean the air. NASA research has a list of plants that remove pollutants from indoors, which includes Spider Plants and Peace Lilies. They increase your mood and productivity too.

7.Mindful consumption

Check way in advance if you need something, and where you really need to buy, buy quality, that will last longer, certain companies are working harder for sustainability. Reflect about second-hand/vintage procurement in a way which does not increase demand on new production further.


Composting doesn’t enable landfills and provides rich soil for your garden. It is free. You will begin with the small container in which you are going to keep your kitchen trash. Here you may add fruit and vegetable wastes, coffee grounds, some paper products.

9. Green Transporation

Take green wherever you go. Walk or bike for short distances; otherwise, walk or bike; if need be, take public transport or carpool. If you have to drive, keep your vehicle tuned-up and efficient on gas consumption.

10.Teach Others

Share your journey through clothes-swap parties or local composting programs to people talking tips while continuing about daily life, in person, or online. It will only act as a humongous indicator to all the others that the same kind of changes for life are possible with the steps one is taking.


Always remember that in sustainability, every little helps. These ten changes only serve as an excellent initiation into making the home greener, and in due time, you will realize even more ways to reduce changes to the environment as your habits become practised.

These do not just fulfill a much more sustainable home dream; they join the movement—one of millions working together around the world to usher in a better planet. Small actions add to make big differences.

We’d love to hear from you! On a personal note: What personal efforts are you taking to live more sustainably? Share with us in the comments below your own tips and experiences. Together we can make a greener and more sustainable world—one home at a time.

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